Guitar, Bass, Drums Lessons in Greenville, SC
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get in touch with you?
Before you write to simply inquire as to cost, bear in mind ... learning an instrument is an involved process that grows most effectively out of a good relationship with a skilled teacher. Identifying the right teacher for you is very important. It will be significantly to your best interests to sit for a free consultation before making a decision one way or the other as to whether a specific teacheris right for you (or your child). With that in view, you can find the contact information here.
I am ready to get started. What do I do next?
Click the Contact link at the top of the page and complete the Connection Form for a response within 24 hours.
How much will I need to invest to take advantage of your program?
Tuition varies depending on your program and schedule. Your monthly tuition for individual private lessons can be as as little as $134, but our average client invests more than this with a view toward an increased rate of progress. When I know more about your goals I can give you an accurate assessment of what you need to do to meet them. This is why I offer a free introductory consultation. Contact me here to schedule your free consultation.
Why this program and not some other school or course?
You will not have to manage the pressure of a fast paced information mill, nor the frustration of an amateur learning how to teach at your expense. Instead, you will have the benefit of a mature professional instructor following a proven, structured program that will get you measureable results. Your teacher is passionate about your success and specifically trained in the complex social/technical art of TEACHING music as well as playing music.
Why do I need lessons at all given all the free resources available on the web?
Tried that yet? Get in touch when you have had enough, and then we can discuss your goals and put a program together for you – hopefully before you waste much valuable time and fall unknowingly into the snare of poor physical technique. I will provide you with the right things, in the right way, in the right order, to get you the maximum results in the shortest possible time, while also steering you clear of worthless marketing gimmicks, common beginner mistakes, and restrictive flaws in your physical technique that will frustrate you later.
How long will I need to take lessons?
That will depend on your goals, practice routine, and diligence in following instructions carefully. For functional competence in basic rhythm and melody, a year should be sufficient for most teens and adults, IF you follow the practice recommendations. Beyond that, it is really up to you as to how far you want to go with it. We can cover new material and techniques for as long for as you want to pursue it!
What kind of instrument do I need?
I will be glad to offer advice regarding your selection of a starter instrument if you do not already have one.
What are your hours of operation?
Hours vary with enrollment, which varies seasonally. Generally, weekdays midday until late evning. Contact us for details.
Do you require a certain level of natural ability, or a certain rate of progress?
We both want this to be fun and do not intend for it to be a high pressure, frustrating endeavor. We expect some progress of course and so should you, but there are no required rates of progress. Learning an instrument is a long-term process. Progress rates vary widely among clients based on a variety of factos. I do not expect or demand miracles from our students, only best efforts (and I ask the same consideration in return!).
Do I have to follow all of the course recommendations?
Your participation is completely voluntary. However, your teacher has a much larger view of the subject and thus knows what you need to do to reach your goals. Some aspects of learning an instrument can be challenging as you are building the foundations of knowledge and physical technique, and you may not be able to see the long term benefit of a given exercise or technique. We generally recommend that you follow program guidelines. If you ever feel that you are wasting your time with some particular aspect of the program, bring this to your teacher's attention. In such a case I will try to explain the reason behind the material or otherwise try to find an alternate solution to acheive the necessary results.
Will you teach me to play songs I select?
Generally, within the context of an overall program to increase your skills across the board, yes. However this will be subject to your instructor's discretion. If, for instance, a client comes in on day one and wants solely to learn an advanced song with techniques that are far beyond the ability of a beginner, we will not be able to base a program on this. We will put this on the list of goals and will, over time, work on the skills required to play that type of song. Then, when the time is right, we will approach the song together.
What happens if I can not make a scheduled lesson appointment? Can we make up the lesson some other time?
I do not ask for a contract from my clients. However, what I do ask is that you agree to a mutually beneficial relationship. I ask you to view your investment for what it really is: monthly installments on a final result of musical skills, rather than a payment per minute of service rendered. Once you ask me to reserve a time slot, I set that time aside for your benefit to the exclusion of others who would be willing to pay for that same time slot. I have substantial expenses associated with the time slot such as facilities & maintenance, lesson preparation, and the commitment of time to your benefit to the exclusion of others who would be willing to purchase the same slot. Therefore, whether you show for the lesson or not, the expenses on your behalf continue and I ask to be reimbursed for them.
In other words, my part of our agreement is to have a facility, training materials, and an instructor reserved for you. If I fulfill my commitment to you then I ask to be paid, just as you ask your employer to pay you for your time. I understand that life throws curve balls and clients can not be here 100% of the time. Bear in mind, what you are paying for is long term results, not short term packages of instruction time. Therefore, I do not provide make ups, and I ask for payment for your time slot as long as you wish to keep it reserved for you.
I have a question that is not addressed here. How can I get the answer I need?
Click on the Contact link at the top of this page.